Furthermore more, it is a scarce energy in our part of the world, so it has to be imported
Together with the consequences this has for the balance of payments, the situation of producer countries has to be taken into account, as all the reserves are concentrated in a small number of regions around the world, many of them undergoing high levels of instability.
Finally, it is crucial to modify people’s consumption habits and the way in which we manage energy on a daily basis. The trend should be to less consumption, although this cannot be achieved overnight.
These are the different ‘faces’ of energy. Basically, they are aspects that are more complex than, at first sight, just filling a car’s petrol tank.
From there, all energy has its advantages and disadvantages. They all have positive and negative aspects. We supply our daily energy needs from a variety of sources, which is generally known as the ‘energy mix’. Euskadi’s objective in the future is to gradually reduce the use of fossil fuels and use cleaner renewable energies. However, it is not a transition that be achieved overnight.
In the meantime, the use of ‘bridging’ energy sources will be necessary to cover demand (e.g. natural gas, which is cleaner and produces fewer emissions than fossil fuels), until the time comes when technological progress brings about the supremacy of renewable energies.