Energy Agency
of the Basque Government

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EEEk MOVES IIIa handitu du beste 8,8 milioi eurorekin

Berrikuntzak 2023ko uztailaren 10ean jarriko dira indarrean, helbidean Programaren bigarren handitzea da, 8.840.147,08 € gehiagorekin, ibilgailu elektrikoak eta karga-instalazioak erostea sustatzeko laguntza-programaren inbertsioa 41,7 milioi eurora arte igoz.

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Bilbao and Amsterdam sign agreement to promote a European Renewable Hydrogen Corridor

This European Corridor will be driven not only by the ports of Bilbao and Amsterdam, but also by the Basque Energy Agency (EVE), Petronor and the Dutch organisations SkyNRG, Evos Amsterdam, and ZenithEnergy Terminals.   The European Corridor will connect the Hydrogen Valleys of the Basque Hydrogen Corridor and the Noord-Holland Hydrogen Hub via the ports of Bilbao and Amsterdam.

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2M€-ko laguntzak kamioiak berritzeko

2023ko ekainaren 12tik egongo da indarrean webgunean​ Salgaien errepide bidezko energia- eta ingurumen-arloko garraioa hobetzea lortu nahi du neurriak, gaur egun garraio hori baita energia-kontsumitzaile handienetako bat, petrolioarekiko mendekotasun handiarekin, halaber.

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The stand “Euskadiko Itun Berdea” returns to Bioterra to mobilize basque citizens in the face of the climate and energy challenge

It will provide information on reducing emissions, decarbonizing the economy, promoting the circular economy, and renewable energy installations It will also announce the upcoming activities organized in the Ekoetxea centres, the network of environmental centres in the Basque Country, as part of the commemoration of World Environment Day 

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