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About us

The Basque Government first created its own energy agency, the Ente Vasco de la Energía (or EVE) to lay the foundations for an energy policy that has been grounded, to different degrees at different stages, on energy efficiency, diversification of energy sources and promotion of renewables.

Since then Ente Vasco de la Energía has been in charge of developing projects and initiatives in line with government policies.


The Ente Vasco de la Energía - EVE (Basque Energy Board) is the Basque Government's energy agency. Its mission is to:

  • Propose energy strategies for the Basque Country, based on criteria of supply security, cost competitiveness, sustainability and technological development.
  • Participate in developing these strategies and contribute to meeting the targets established therein.

In order to achieve this mission, the agency provides a service to the Basque Government's Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures in matters related to energy and geological and mining resources. It also participates in projects, involving private companies and government institutions. It works to disseminate the values and messages underpinning its strategies amongst society at large.

EVE's capacity for action is backed by the technical capacity, commitment and leadership of its staff and by efficient planning and management of its resources..


Ente Vasco de la Energía seeks to continue to be the region’s benchmark organisation in the energy field for its contribution to energy efficiency, development of renewable energy, supply security and its leadership in positioning the Basque Country as a knowledge pole and industrial reference point in the energy industry. It does this by.

  • Promoting singular projects with stakeholders that are best positioned to make a contribution;
  • Creating market opportunities that can be capitalised on by Basque business, based on the energy investment made;
  • Contributing criteria to society on energy-related values;
  • Contributing to compliance with the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures’s plans and objectives;
  • Through public-private partnership.


Meet the expectations of the Basque Government's Department of Economic Development and Infraestructures



  • To contribute to energy saving
  • To contribute to energy generation from renewable sources.
  • To contribute to energy supply security.

Technological development

To position the Basque Country as a knowledge hub and an industrial reference in the energy industry.


Economic resources

To source financial resources to ensure self-financing.



To generate values and social opinion in line with the defined strategy.


EVE's quality policy is reviewed each year to adapt the objectives to new challenges, risks and opportunities and ensure that they remain applicable.

Accordingly, the following principles have been established:

  • To maintain the quality of our services.
  • To encourage a focus on processes and risk-based thinking.
  • To create a comprehensive management culture founded on service quality, environmental protection, and the safety and health of employees. This is achieved by training and motivating personnel with regard to:
    • Achieving full stakeholder satisfaction.
    • Ensuring the highest level of health and safety at work.
  • To communicate internally the contents of the policies programmes and objectives on quality, environment and occupational risk prevention, promoting actions of participation, awareness-raising, information and theoretical and practical training.
  • To accept the commitment to meet legal requirements on quality, environment and occupational risk prevention, and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the management system.
  • To develop our work safeguarding the health of the people who make up the organization.

Hello, shall we talk?

This is the attention service of the Basque Energy Agency.